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Call for participants from Serbia: YE “(Don’t) buy it!”

10. 07. 2017.

Аутор: Удружење Народни парламент

Youth exchange (Dont) buy it! If you are: a young person aged 18-30, from Serbia; comfortable on the Internet, actively using soci

Youth exchange “(Don’t) buy it!”

If you are:

– a young person aged 18-30, from Serbia;

comfortable on the Internet, actively using social networks;

willing to explore and question media channels, contents, algorithms, the way media messages are formed, distributed and perceived;

willing to learn and work in international teams

 then this is a call for you.

Association People’s parliament is launching a call for participants of a youth exchange that will take place in Leskovac, Serbia, between 10th and 18th of July and will gather a group of 25 young people.

The theme of the youth exchange is media literacy. Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media.

The main focus of our programme is media in the age of algorithms. We will try to understand how much the Web changed the way we perceive media messages, what is the role of traditional media in this context, what are the new media channels, which messages we get, based on which criteria, how internet works as ones own confirmation bias, and how much we are all aware of this new age of media and prepared for it.

For more info, please download the official Call for participants. If you’re interested in the programme, please fill and send the Application form no later than June 30th 2017.


Project “(Don’t) buy it!” is implemented with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

Уколико желите да пријавите непримерен садржај контактирајте администратора.


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