Name of organization in English Association Against AIDS - JAZAS
Short name JAZAS
Activity area Organizations that protect the rights and promote the interests of LGBT persons - Advocacy Organizations
Year of establishment 1991
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Basic information about the organization
Do you have
The established procedures / policies in the field of employment: Yes
Obligation to implement the law on public procurement: Yes
Code of gender equality: Yes
Code of Ethics: Yes
Strategic plan: Yes
Transparent published Financial Report: No
Quality Assurance System: No
Category of the organization Citizen Association
Maticni broj (en) 7882807
PIB (en) 102423807
Primary target group Youth
LGBT community
Dominant type of organization activities Providing services
Geographical representation Municipality / city
Networks -
Mision JAZAS (Asocijacija za borbu protiv side) je nevladina organizacija osnovana 1991. godine kao prva NVO koja se aktivirala na polju prevencije side.
Number of active people in the organization 1 - 5
Does the organization engage volunteers in their work? Yes
Method of financing Project based
The annual budget 1 - 100.000 RSD
The organization is registered for performing economic activities No
List of donors Royal Netherlands Embassy in Serbia Ministry of Youth and Sports Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Hartefakt Fund (HF) independent regional foundation Reconstruction Women's Fund EU Civil Society Facility UNICEF The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
17. 08. 2016.
Potovani, Obraćamo vam se sa molbom da prosledite informaciju svojim kanalima svim organizacijama koje mogu biti zainteresovane.
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21. 01. 2016.
Potovani, Obraćamo vam se sa molbom da prosledite informaciju svojim kanalima svim organizacijama koje mogu biti zainteresovane. Asocijac
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